This time I'm posting some photos from many 3rd year exhibitions from RMIT students that just graduate this year... I'm posting the ones that really inspire me. Some of them I fix to put also the name of the creators, but some others I forget to photo the name. Sorry about that!
This art doesn´t belong to me and is just posted for inspire and get to know other people.
En este post ando subiendo muchas fotos que encontré en las exhibiciones de las personas que se graduaban este año. Ando poniendo las que más me inspiraron, algunas las arregle con el nombre del artista otras se me olvidó sacar foto del nombre y no lo pude poner, una disculpa!
Todo este arte no es mío pero lo posteo para que otra gente lo conozca.
Please click to enlarge.... Clica para ver las imágenes en mejor resolución:
the cloud from the sculpture exhibition... the first time I saw this I love it... and take a photo from inside...
I also found this, it was made to see it from a camera or mobile
The next one was from May So, the artist was making photos from international students living in Melbourne for their whole career. She was taking photos while all of us (me included) where telling her how difficult was for us to live there and also the good things.
My photo wasn't elected but I loved the light of the photo she take from me. She was using the white natural light from the studios RMIT has for the Art students. Is me with Mr. Lobster (that belongs to my bf) and I was telling her how special was that stuffed animal to keep in mind that someone was waiting for me. And how hard was to live with a Malaysian family that don't speak to you, because of Language problems (they speak Chinesse, cantonese) and their English was bad and I was always ignored by them.
This picture is a MUST to enlarge.... is from the Painting exhibition.
Esta imagen la DEBEN de agrandar.... de la exhibición de pintura... me encanto, vean el detalle de las luces!
Esta la saque porque me recordó al Sr. Langosta (ver el muñeco en mis manos de la foto de arriba) el cual me acompañó durante estos 6 meses recordándome que alguien esperaba por mi. (es decir mi novio, dueño del Señor langosta). Es De la exhibición de pintura y al parecer era sólo acrílico sobre cartón.
This one again from the painting exhibition...named Skull, acrylics also.
De la misma exhibición de pintura esta calavera dobre esta hecha con acrílicos.
Is interesting the kind of stuff People studying at RMIT picture in the paintings... I can't remember the materials of this one but again this really inspire me.
Es interesante ver lo que la gente que estudia en la RMIT pone en sus pinturas, no recuerdo el material de esta pero realmente me inspira. Ambas del mismo artista.
This is also another MUST to enlarge... I love the little women inside of that recipients and the details.
También tienen que hacerla grande para VER los detalles de las pequeñas mujeres en los recipientes.
The next one is a mixture of oil, I loved the hiperrealism... and the details
The next ones are made in some really hard cottoned paper. Some intersections were carved....
Las siguientes estaban con relieve en papel fabriano.
Cliquen para ver detalles
Enlarge to see the DETAILS of the patterns from the next drawings, they were made with markers apparently.
Cliquen vean los DETALLES de los patrones de las imágenes circulares, que fueron hechas con marcadores aparentemente.
Susi was with me while I was seeing some of the exhibitions... This sculpture was made of cassettes tape
Also I found a giant nude...I couldn't capture all of it :(
También había un desnudo gigante pero no pude sacarle foto de todo él.
Ceramics Exhibition:
This ones are from the to see details...
Por favor cliquen sobre ellas para hacerlas grandes y ver detalles...
Some masks...with wonderful paintings
This was also made in ceramic
Opera house? who knows!
This one is my favorite, I never think in made something soft hard... But i loved this tetrapak ceramics scultptures.
This next one is really strange and wonderful.
hope u have enjoyed them, as i told u this pieces doesn´t belong to me, and the only purpose is to show the kind of art is found at RMIT