13 August 2010

Cover Illustration

I've been working on this illustration for Armin (Talento TEC) for a Theatre journel called EL HIPOGRIFO TEATRAL

So i was comissioned to draw an hippogriff that seems like printmaked. So here above you can see my first attemps to have an ide to what my client wanted.

After have more spare time I decide to create a better quality image (I just get rid of printmaking books from my school library).

This books were amazing they are called>
Creating creatures of fantasy and imagination / Claudia Nice. This was about how to make any normal animal/human into a magic one with watercolor painting. Pretty amazing the studies of anatomy from animals.

The other one was 1800 woodcuts / by Thomas Bewick and his school ; Edited by Blanche Cirker and the editorial staff of Dover Publications ; with an introduction by Robert Hutchinson. Where I could fine the correct style to make printmaking/woodcut looked like.

And the final one that is like a whole stoy all illustrated> William Morris, ornamentation and illustrations from the Kelmslott Chaucer

So when I finally could read about it. They ask me to put like a flag or something with the theatre related type. Like the Tragedy and Comedy masks, and here they are!

So hopefully I'll get finally paid for this work next week!!! and you'll see the final illustration.